2022-02-02 Use individual accountability to avoid the bystander effect When you have a team of equals, taking turns being accountable for the tasks reduces confusion and improves sustainability. Categories Posts
2022-01-28 Using conferences for connections I no longer primarily attend conferences for the talks. Now I attend to make and reinforce connections with community members. Categories Posts
2022-01-19 Spreading the work with infrequent contributors Over on The Pragmatic Programmers, I wrote an article about spreading the work fairly when you have infrequent contributors. This is a common issue in open source projects that have people who work on them as their full-time job. Contributors are the lifeblood of an open source community. You want to attract and retain people so that the project is... Categories Posts
2022-01-12 Picking the right animal metaphor “Herding cats”, “aligning ducks”, “Nemoing tuna”. There are so many animal metaphors for program management. Which one works best? Categories Posts