Innovation Happens Elsewhere: now in a portable form

A little over a year ago, a colleague suggested I read the book Innovation Happens Elsewhere: Open Source as Business Strategy by Ron Goldman & Richard P. Gabriel. It’s nearly two decades old, but it’s a good look at how open source and business were interacting in the “early” days. The authors made the book open-access on their website, but I wanted to put it on my e-reader for airplane reading. Thankfully, it’s under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, so I could do something about that.
After working on conversion off-and-on, I’ve finally made it available in PDF and epub formats. The source is available in a GitHub repo if you find any errors. Note that I am explicitly not looking to update it. That’s too large of a project. (Plus, if you want an up-to-date book about the intersection of open source and business, you can read VM Brasseur’s Business Success With Open Source.) I will gladly accept fixes to formatting, broken links, and so on.
This post’s featured photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash.