2023-05-17 Are bug reporters contributors? Whether they’re made by a contributor or not, bug reports are valuable contributions to your project. Treat them that way. Categories Posts
2023-05-12 Use your tools, but write like you We live in a time when we’re awash in tools (often free) that aid writing. You miss out when you don’t take advantage of these tools. Categories Posts
2023-05-10 Keeping your bug tracker simple Don’t try to make the perfect system from the beginning. Start with the basics. Solve problems after they become problems. Categories Posts
2023-05-05 To grow an open source project, give up control If the project structure shares leadership outside the company, it becomes more appealing to people outside the company. Categories Posts
2023-05-03 Do release-blocking bugs have to be new? If a bug existed in previous releases, should it block the upcoming release? There’s a case for “yes” and a case for “no”. Categories Posts
2023-04-28 The solution isn’t interesting, the problem is Nobody wants to use a computer. They want to get something done. Focusing on the problem instead of the solution gets you better results. Categories Posts
2023-04-26 Little ways program managers add value Some contributions aren’t a make-or-break moment, they’re a way to reduce the friction for contributors and make processes run smoother. Categories Posts
2023-04-12 Embrace the non-judgmental “why?” People don’t make bad decisions on purpose. If you understand why a decision was made in the past, you make better decisions for the future. Categories Posts
2023-04-05 Footnotes and asides are a warning Overuse of footnotes, commas, em dashes, and parentheses suggest your writing may be unclear. Keeping sentences focused helps your reader. Categories Posts
2023-03-29 Use a decision log to record context A decision log is a record that you leave for the future. It shares the context to save time when revisiting a past decision. Categories Posts