2023-05-31 MVP applies to teams, too It’s hard to contain your enthusiasm when starting something new, but you have to pace yourself. Otherwise, the enthusiasm goes nowhere. Categories Posts
2023-05-17 Are bug reporters contributors? Whether they’re made by a contributor or not, bug reports are valuable contributions to your project. Treat them that way. Categories Posts
2023-05-05 To grow an open source project, give up control If the project structure shares leadership outside the company, it becomes more appealing to people outside the company. Categories Posts
2023-04-26 Little ways program managers add value Some contributions aren’t a make-or-break moment, they’re a way to reduce the friction for contributors and make processes run smoother. Categories Posts
2023-01-25 Perception matters — make people feel heard Making someone feel heard doesn’t mean doing whatever they want; it means they feel like you’ve made a good faith effort to understand them. Categories Posts
2022-12-14 The flywheel theory of community engagement The Flywheel Theory says that the long term sustainability of a community project depends on having someone who can keep the momentum going. Categories Talks
2022-11-23 Developer and user communication channels As your project grows, the community has to decide whether or not to maintain unified channels or separate them. How do you decide? Categories Posts
2022-09-01 Who are you excluding with your default language? Picking a single language gives you that common basis for communicating. But who do you exclude when you pick that language? Categories Posts
2022-08-04 Why program management matters in open source In my latest article for Opensource.com, I explain how program managers help combat the exponential increase in communication channels. Categories Posts
2022-01-12 Picking the right animal metaphor “Herding cats”, “aligning ducks”, “Nemoing tuna”. There are so many animal metaphors for program management. Which one works best? Categories Posts