2023-04-26 Little ways program managers add value Some contributions aren’t a make-or-break moment, they’re a way to reduce the friction for contributors and make processes run smoother. Categories Posts
2023-04-12 Embrace the non-judgmental “why?” People don’t make bad decisions on purpose. If you understand why a decision was made in the past, you make better decisions for the future. Categories Posts
2023-04-05 Footnotes and asides are a warning Overuse of footnotes, commas, em dashes, and parentheses suggest your writing may be unclear. Keeping sentences focused helps your reader. Categories Posts
2023-03-29 Use a decision log to record context A decision log is a record that you leave for the future. It shares the context to save time when revisiting a past decision. Categories Posts
2023-03-22 Words mean things Choose your words carefully. You want people to discuss the facts, not the wording. Categories Posts
2023-02-22 What you’re measuring is different from how you measure it Start with understanding the “why?” behind what you’re trying to measure. Then figure out the measurements, knowing they’ll be imperfect. Categories Posts
2023-02-08 Write standard operating procedures When you document how to execute a process, that ensures you’ll do it right the next time. This helps your future self and your successors. Categories Posts
2023-01-25 Perception matters — make people feel heard Making someone feel heard doesn’t mean doing whatever they want; it means they feel like you’ve made a good faith effort to understand them. Categories Posts
2023-01-12 Why does this meeting exist? If you can’t come up with a sentence or two that says why you scheduled the meeting, you should consider what that implies. Categories Posts
2023-01-04 How open source projects collaborate The idea of helping your competitors might be hard to accept, but when we work together, we all do better. Categories Posts