PgM for OSS 50% off through April 13

If you’ve been waiting to purchase your ebook of Program Management for Open Source Projects, now’s the time. The Pragmatic Bookshelf is offering 50% off of several titles through midnight ET on April 13, 2022. Just use promo code COMMUNICATION2022 at checkout. If you’re signed up for the monthly newsletter, you already knew this.

I’ll have a new beta release available soon and you’ll get it (and subsequent releases) for free. The beta book process allows you to provide feedback and make the book better before it goes to print.

In addition to my book, you can also get a discount on:

This post’s featured image by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Ben formerly led open source messaging at Docker and was the Fedora Program Manager. He is the author of Program Management for Open Source Projects. Ben is an Open Organization Ambassador and frequent conference speaker. His personal website is Funnel Fiasco.
