Your bug tracker and you (SeaGL)

At SeaGL2021, I presented my talk on bug tracking for the first time. One fun fact about this talk: I got it completely written and then realized that I had focused on entirely the wrong aspects and had to rewrite it. I’m pleased with how it turned out, though. I plan on proposing it for future conferences.


Abstract: Your project surely has a bug tracker. But what does it tell you? In this talk, you’ll learn how to set up your bug tracker to get the most information you can. You’ll find out what you can learn—and can’t—from mining your bugs.

Date: 6 November 2021

Location: (virtual)

Ben formerly led open source messaging at Docker and was the Fedora Program Manager. He is the author of Program Management for Open Source Projects. Ben is an Open Organization Ambassador and frequent conference speaker. His personal website is Funnel Fiasco.
